Uno dei più notevoli crateri del polo Sud, Moretus domina questa zona lunare insieme al gigantesco Clavius. Theodorus Moretus (1602–1667) fu un gesuita fiammingo, attivo come matematico e filosofo.

(ENG) One of the most notable craters of the South Pole, Moretus dominates this lunar area together with the great Clavius. Theodorus Moretus (1602–1667) was a Flemish Jesuit, active as a mathematician and philosopher.

Moretus and Newton

Questa ripresa mostra bene le pareti ed il picco centrale di Moretus. Nella parte superiore dell’immagine, il notevolissimo cratere Newton, riconosciuto come il cratere più profondo dell’intera faccia visibile della Luna. Circondato da numerosi satelliti, la sua profondità massima è stimata intorno ai 6 km.

(ENG) This image highlights the walls and central peak of Moretus. In the upper part of the frame, you can see the very remarkable Newton, recognized as the deepest crater on the entire visible side of the Moon. Surrounded by many satellites, its maximum depth is estimated to be around 6 km.

March 13, 2022 (South-West up)

Technical data

CFF 30 cm f/20 Classical Cassegrain ♦ ASI178MM ♦ G Astronomik filter

sunrise over Moretus

Moretus ripreso poco distante dal terminatore, con le ombre lunghe dell’alba lunare.

(ENG) Moretus imaged not far from the terminator, with the long shadows of the lunar dawn.

June 30, 2020 (South up)

Technical data

CFF 30 cm f/20 Classical Cassegrain ♦ ASI174MM ♦ R Astronomik filter